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Hydrogen on the Horizon | Solar Projects | ESP Seminar
Hydrogen on the horizon: project using coal to generate H2 progresses

B&W’s patented BrightLoop™ chemical looping technology has been selected to convert coal into hydrogen for a first-of-its-kind reactor plant in Wyoming. The project, in partnership with Black Hills Energy, was featured in an article that highlighted our “big, bold and cutting-edge” technology and how it could -- cleanly and sustainably -- extend the life of Wyoming’s abundant coal fuel supply.
READ MOREB&W Solar 'eclipsed' competition to win 75 MW project

Cypress Creek Renewables, LLC selected B&W Solar to implement three utility-scale photovoltaic solar power installations in western Pennsylvania. When complete, which is expected to be later this year, each installation will be capable of generating approximately 25 MW of clean, zero-carbon energy -- enough to power 10,000 homes.
SEE THE ANNOUNCEMENTElectrostatic Precipitator Seminar June 17-20 | Chicago, IL | CEUs: 1.8

Back by popular demand, this seminar highlights why precipitators behave unpredictably at times, how to effectively troubleshoot them, tips to maximize performance, and how to comply with regulatory standards. Attendees are ESPecially encouraged to bring questions and engage in open discussions.

Our PT B&W Asia’s site-based service team at a thermal power plant in Indonesia was recognized for achieving 1 million hours worked without a lost-time accident. The crew provided maintenance and outage services for the plant on a long-term contract basis. Congratulations to the site team for reaching this milestone!

One of the largest refineries in Europe presented B&W Environmental with a bold challenge: the comprehensive disassembly and reassembly of a SPIG® fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Cooling Tower (CT) comprising two cells -- all within a tight 21-day timeframe to synchronize with a planned shutdown.
READ THE CASE STUDYAsked&Answered: Water-Cooled Wear Zones: Boiler Advantages

Q. What purpose do water-cooled wear zones serve in waste-to-energy boilers?
A: Water-cooled zones reduce the area of uncooled refractory in the furnace of WtE boilers. This reduces maintenance costs by reducing refractory volume, adds stability, and can increase plant output.
Did You Know?
North America’s first refuse-to-energy plant, built by B&W, began operation in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in 1972.