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Upgrades to Wet FGD Systems

Upgrades to Existing Wet FGD Systems to Improve Performance, Reduce Operating and Maintenance Costs and Improve Reliability
Upgrading an existing wet FGD system may be an effective way to improve SO2 removal, allow the use of lower cost higher sulfur coals, reduce power consumption, allow for the use of an alternate, lower-cost reagent, and improve the reliability of the system while reducing the operating and maintenance costs.
Older wet FGD systems were not designed to achieve the high SO2 removal levels necessary today. In addition, there was not the concern for higher reliability and low operating and maintenance costs. New wet FGD systems are typically designed for SO2 removal levels of 98% and reliability of greater than 99%. Fortunately, the technological improvements that have been incorporated into the newest wet FGD systems can be adapted for retrofit into older wet FGD installations.
These advanced technologies include:
- Internal absorber modifications
- Absorber gas-liquid contact device
- Absorber spray header modifications
- Mist eliminator and mist eliminator wash system upgrades
- Limestone forced oxidation system upgrades
- Auxiliary equipment and additives
- Reagent preparation and dewatering system upgrades
- Chemical additives
Our first article covers devices which can maximize contact between the flue gas and the slurry to improve SO2 absorption. Additional articles will be added, so check back often.
Our second article discusses absorber spray header modifications.
Our third article covers mist eliminators and mist eliminator wash system.
Our fourth article discusses limestone forced oxidation system upgrades.